Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the Command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by Order of the Government of the United States
A Voyage to China and the East Indies. Together with A Voyage to Suratte by Olof Toreen and An Account of the Chinese Husbandry by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg.; to which are added, a faunula ad florula sinensis
Report of Winfield S. Schley, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding Greely Relief Relief Expedition, 1884
Voyages from Montreal on the river St Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793. With a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the fur trade of that country
My last cruise. Where we went and what we saw: being an account of visits to the Malay and Loo-choo islands, the coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, and the mouth of the Amoor river
A Voyage of Discovery, made under the orders of the Admiralty in his Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage
Report of the Boundary Commission Upon the Survey and Re-Marking of the Boundary Between the United States and Mexico West of the Rio Grande. 1891-1896
Relations of Golconda in the Early Seventeenth Century
A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America by Lionel Wafer, Surgeon on Buccaneering Expeditions in Darien, the West Indies, and the Pacific from 1680 to 1688 With Wafer’s Secret Report (1698), and Davis’s Expedition to the Gold Mines
Handwritten Logbook of HMS Mermaid, January 1, 1800-April 28, 1802.
Travels Through the Canadas, Containing a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on Some of the Rivers and Lakes; With an Account of the Productions, Commerce, and Inhabitants of Those Provinces. to Which is Subjoined a Comparative View of Manners
A Voyage around the World but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America: Performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte Captains Portlock and Dixon
A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana by Robert Harcourt 1613 / With Purchas’ Transcript of a Report made at Harcourt’s Instance on the Marrawini District
View of the Valley of the Mississippi, or the Emigrant's and Traveller's Guide to the West.
The History of Hernando De Soto and Florida: Or, Record of the Events of Fifty-Six Years, from 1512 to 1568
Les six voyages de Jean Baptiste Tavernier ... en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant l'espace de quarante ans ...
Voyages to the East-Indies; by the late John Splinter Stavorinus, Esq.. The whole comprising a full and accurate account of all the present and late possessions of the Dutch in India, and at the Cape of Good Hope,
Voyages autour du Monde, et vers les deux Poles, par Terre et par Mer, pendant les Annes 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 1774 & 1776
A Journey Through Texas; Or, A Saddle-Trip on the Southwestern Frontier: With a Statistical Appendix
Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West of the United States
Toonneel van China, door veel, zoo geestelijke als werreltijke, geheugteekenen, verscheide vertoningen van de natuur en kunst, en blijken van veel andere gedenkwaerdige dingen, geopent en verheerlykt
A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, Towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World: But Chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffres, From the Year 1772, to 1776
The Prairie Traveler. A Hand-Book for Overland Expeditions, with Illustrations, and Itineraries of the Principal Routes
Narratives of the career of Hernando de Soto in the conquest of Florida, as told by a knight of Elvas; and in a relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedma, factor of the expedition