Manuscript regarding the 14th Division located in Patzcuaro

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Author: Juan Vicente Güemes Pacheco y Padilla, Conde de Revillagigedo (1740-1799)

Year: 1794

Publisher: Manuscript

Place: Patzcuaro

Three folio leaves. First one on Papel Sellado. Housed in handcrafted display enclosure.

Document sent to Teniente Coronel Don Francisco Menocal, commander of the 14th division located in Patzcuaro. In order to defend the Royal Dominions in New Spain, Militias will be formed, except in the coasts and borders as there are already militias in these areas. Without delay, 16 divisions need to be formed each one with their companies as regulated by the instruction. This together with nearby areas need to from a division of 610 men, of which 160 must come from Patzcuaro. The recruits must not be younger than 16 years nor older than 40 years, height of at least five feet without shoes and without any visible imperfection that would inhabilitate them for service.

The men in the area will be divided in to three classes, and a lottery will be made. First class single men with no children, second class married without children and third class, men with children. Individuals in the first class will be chosen first, other classes only if needed. Volunteers will be accepted without need to participate in the lottery. In case there are not enough volunteers, a lottery will be made including all villages, haciendas and rancheros in proportion to it's inhabitants.

These documents were received in Patzcuaro and copies were fixed in the usual places.

Juan Vicente Güemes Pacheco was born in La Habana, Cuba. His father was viceroy of New Spain from 1746 until 1755. As viceroy of New Spain (1789-1794), Revillagigedo gained the respect and admiration of its people. He strove to make effective Joséde Gálvez's reforms and inaugurated the intendant system. He improved the administration of finances and justice, enlarged the school system, and reorganized the colonial militia. He founded the General Archives and inaugurated in 1793 the Museum of National History. To keep himself informed of the desires and grievances of the people, he placed a locked box in a public place for petitions and communications.


Worm tract at the upper left corners, not affecting text. First folio with tear at head.

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