The Art and archaeology of the Moche: An Ancient Andean Society of the Peruvian North Coast
Author: Bourget, Steve (1956- ) and Kimberly L Jones (editors)
Year: 2008
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Place: Austin
xiii+291 pages with figures, plates (some in color), tables, charts, illustrations, maps and index. Quarto (11 1/4" x 8 3/4") bound in original publisher's yellow cloth with black lettering to spine in original jacket. First edition.
Contents: Iconography Meets Archaeolgoy by Elizabeth Benson; Sacrifices and Ceremonial Calendars in Societies of the Central Andes: A Reconsideration by Anne Marie Hocquenghem; Ulluchu: An Elusive Fruit by Donna McCleeland; Moche Masking Traditions by Christopher Donnan; Convergent Catastrophe and the Demise of dos Cabezas: enviornmental Change and Regime Change in Ancient Peru by Michael Moseley, Christopher Donnan and david Keffer; Forensic Iconography: The Case of the Moche Giants by Alana Cordy-Collins and Charles Merbs; Moche Forms for Shaping Sheet Metal by Christopher Donnan, David Scott and Todd Bracken; Moche Art Style in the Santa Valley: Between being "a la Mode" and developing a Provincial Identity by Claude Chapdelaine; The Priests of the Bicephalus Art: tombs and Effigies found in Huaca de la Luna and Their Relation to Moche Rituals by santiago Uceda; The Moche People: Genetic Perspective on Their sociopolitical Composition and Organziation by Izumi Shimada, Ken-Ichi Shinoda, Walter Alva, Steve Bourget, Claude Chapdelaine and Santiago Uceda; Communality and Diversity in Moche Human Sacrifice by John W Verano; Art and Moche Martial Arts by Jeffrey Quilter; Moche Textile Production on the Peruvian North Coast: A Contextual Analysis by Jean-Francois Millaire; spiders and Spider Decapitators in Moche Iconogrpahy: Identification from the Contexts of Sipan, antecedents and Symbolism by Nestor Ignacio Alva Meneses; The Third Man: Identity and Rulership in Moche Archaeology and Visual Culture by Steve Bourget.
A near fine copy in a fine jacket.
Year: 2008
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Place: Austin
xiii+291 pages with figures, plates (some in color), tables, charts, illustrations, maps and index. Quarto (11 1/4" x 8 3/4") bound in original publisher's yellow cloth with black lettering to spine in original jacket. First edition.
Contents: Iconography Meets Archaeolgoy by Elizabeth Benson; Sacrifices and Ceremonial Calendars in Societies of the Central Andes: A Reconsideration by Anne Marie Hocquenghem; Ulluchu: An Elusive Fruit by Donna McCleeland; Moche Masking Traditions by Christopher Donnan; Convergent Catastrophe and the Demise of dos Cabezas: enviornmental Change and Regime Change in Ancient Peru by Michael Moseley, Christopher Donnan and david Keffer; Forensic Iconography: The Case of the Moche Giants by Alana Cordy-Collins and Charles Merbs; Moche Forms for Shaping Sheet Metal by Christopher Donnan, David Scott and Todd Bracken; Moche Art Style in the Santa Valley: Between being "a la Mode" and developing a Provincial Identity by Claude Chapdelaine; The Priests of the Bicephalus Art: tombs and Effigies found in Huaca de la Luna and Their Relation to Moche Rituals by santiago Uceda; The Moche People: Genetic Perspective on Their sociopolitical Composition and Organziation by Izumi Shimada, Ken-Ichi Shinoda, Walter Alva, Steve Bourget, Claude Chapdelaine and Santiago Uceda; Communality and Diversity in Moche Human Sacrifice by John W Verano; Art and Moche Martial Arts by Jeffrey Quilter; Moche Textile Production on the Peruvian North Coast: A Contextual Analysis by Jean-Francois Millaire; spiders and Spider Decapitators in Moche Iconogrpahy: Identification from the Contexts of Sipan, antecedents and Symbolism by Nestor Ignacio Alva Meneses; The Third Man: Identity and Rulership in Moche Archaeology and Visual Culture by Steve Bourget.
A near fine copy in a fine jacket.