El Job de la Ley de Gracia, Retratado en la Admirable Vida del Siervo de Dios Venerable Padre Fray Pedro Urraca, del Real, y Militar Orden de Nuestra Senora de la Merced, Redencion de Cautivos

  • $275.00
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Author: Colombo, Felipe (1623-1684)

Year: 1790

Publisher: La Imprenta de la Viuda de D Pedro Marin

Place: Madrid


[xiv]+308 pages. Octavo (8" x 6") bound in original velum. Second edition, first published in 1674.

Pedro Urraca was born in Jadraque in Spain in 1583 and came to the new world at the bequest of his brother, a monk of the Franciscan Convent of Quito, at the age of 19. Fate decided his vocation. The ship he was traveling was about to sink because of a great storm that endangered the lives of the crew and passengers. Urraca in a prayer gave his life to the Virgin if the ship were saved, suddenly the sea calmed and the trip to Quito continued uneventfully. In Quito Urraca began his novitiate in 1603. During his lifetime he wore a sackcloth and iron chains to do penance. He returned to Spain, where he became spiritual confessor to the Queen of France, Elisabeth. Although he was asked to stay at court, he chose to return to Lima in 1657, where he died in 1657 at the age of 74. His remains are interned in the floor of the church, in the nave of the Epistle at the Basilica of Nuestra Senora de la Merced. He is credited with countless miracles and the chapel that bears his name at the Basilica of Our Lady of Mercy in Lima is a place of pilgrimage for thousands of faithful. His cause of beatification began in Rome on April 29, 1682. His heroic virtues were proclaimed on January 31, 1981 and was declared Venerable by Pope John Paul II .


Velum spine badly damaged with lower half missing, back velum chipped at edges, some worming predominately in margins, heal edge of title trimmed else a fair copy.

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