San Bernardino Contla: Marriage and Family Structure in a Tlaxcalan Municipio
Author: Nutini, Hugo G inscribed to George M Foster
Year: 1968
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Place: Pittsburgh
420 pages with six maps (some folding), seventeen tables (some folding), five diagrams, appendices, glossary, bibliography and index. Royal octavo (9 1/2" x 6 1/4") bound in orange with black lettering to spine. Inscribed by Nutini to Professor George M Foster. First edition.
A significant contribution to the field of Mesoamerian studies, this investigation of the kinship system of a community of Tlaxcalan Indians in the Central Mexican Highlands presents a structural-functional analysis of marriage and the family. The inhabitants of San Bernardino Contla are Nahuatl-speaking Indians, descended from the Chichimec tribes that in pre-Conquest times inhabited the area roughly coinciding with the present state of Tlaxcala. Here many of the early Colonial Indian institutions have survived with a continuity that is not found in any comparable area in the New World. In analyzing the institutions of marriage and the family, Dr Nutini emphasizes the social structure and religious aspects of San Bernardino Contla, and he also describes the territorial and political organization of the municipio. He places the structure of marriage and the fanily in San Bernardino Contla within the context of Mesoamerican marriage and family structure, indicating possible ways by which this neglected field to anthropological inquiry may be improved.
George McClelland Foster, Jr born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on October 9, 1913, died on May 18, 2006, at his home in the hills above the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, where he served as a professor from 1953 to his retirement in 1979, when he became professor emeritus. His contributions to anthropological theory and practice still challenge us; in more than 300 publications, his writings encompass a wide diversity of topics, including acculturation, long-term fieldwork, peasant economies, pottery making, public health, social structure, symbolic systems, technological change, theories of illness and wellness, humoral medicine in Latin America, and worldview. The quantity, quality, and long-term value of his scholarly work led to his election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1976. Virtually all of his major publications have been reprinted and/or translated. Provenance from the executor of Foster's library laid in.
Nutini's inscription on half title, corners bumped, some pencil tick marks by Foster in margins, note by Foster laid in. Jacket with light edge wear, sunned at edges and spine.
Year: 1968
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Place: Pittsburgh
420 pages with six maps (some folding), seventeen tables (some folding), five diagrams, appendices, glossary, bibliography and index. Royal octavo (9 1/2" x 6 1/4") bound in orange with black lettering to spine. Inscribed by Nutini to Professor George M Foster. First edition.
A significant contribution to the field of Mesoamerian studies, this investigation of the kinship system of a community of Tlaxcalan Indians in the Central Mexican Highlands presents a structural-functional analysis of marriage and the family. The inhabitants of San Bernardino Contla are Nahuatl-speaking Indians, descended from the Chichimec tribes that in pre-Conquest times inhabited the area roughly coinciding with the present state of Tlaxcala. Here many of the early Colonial Indian institutions have survived with a continuity that is not found in any comparable area in the New World. In analyzing the institutions of marriage and the family, Dr Nutini emphasizes the social structure and religious aspects of San Bernardino Contla, and he also describes the territorial and political organization of the municipio. He places the structure of marriage and the fanily in San Bernardino Contla within the context of Mesoamerican marriage and family structure, indicating possible ways by which this neglected field to anthropological inquiry may be improved.
George McClelland Foster, Jr born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on October 9, 1913, died on May 18, 2006, at his home in the hills above the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, where he served as a professor from 1953 to his retirement in 1979, when he became professor emeritus. His contributions to anthropological theory and practice still challenge us; in more than 300 publications, his writings encompass a wide diversity of topics, including acculturation, long-term fieldwork, peasant economies, pottery making, public health, social structure, symbolic systems, technological change, theories of illness and wellness, humoral medicine in Latin America, and worldview. The quantity, quality, and long-term value of his scholarly work led to his election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1976. Virtually all of his major publications have been reprinted and/or translated. Provenance from the executor of Foster's library laid in.
Nutini's inscription on half title, corners bumped, some pencil tick marks by Foster in margins, note by Foster laid in. Jacket with light edge wear, sunned at edges and spine.