The Goody-Naughty Book
The Robber Kitten
Peril at the Spy Nest
The Wayward Bus
Thomas Love Peacock: Letter to Edward Hokham and Percy B Shelley with fragments of Unpublished Manuscript
Christina Alberta's Father
Blandings Castle
Murder is My Business
Simple Speaks His Mind and The Collected Poems of Sterling A Brown
Work of Art
Bethel Merriday, A Novel of the Young Girl on the Stage
The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories
Pudd'nhead Wilson A Tale
Do Butlers Burgle Banks?
Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin
Money in the Bank
Service with a Smile
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's Comrade)
The Human Drift
Plum Pie
Uncle Fred in the Springtime
Quick Service
The Little Lady of the Big House
Smoke Bellew