Homenaje al Doctor Alfonso Caso

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Author: Juan Comas Camps (1900-1979) ; Manuel Maldonado-Koerdell; Eusebio Dávilos Hurtado et al. from the library of Professor Robert "Van" Kemper

Year: 1951

Publisher: Nuevo Mundo

Place: Mexico City


455 pages with frontispiece, maps, illustrations, diagrams, plates, chart, appendix and bibliography of Alfonso Caso. Royal octavo (9 1/2" x 7 1/4") issued in wrappers. From the library of Professor Robert "Van" Kemper. First edition.

Contents: La obra del doctor Alfonso Caso by Ignacio Marquina; Casamiento del monte by Gonzalo Aguirre Beltran; Nueva luz sobre los Calchaques by Francisco de Aparicio; El manuscrito del calendario Matlatzinca by Roberto Barlow; The History of Acculturation in Mexico by Ralph L Beals; Caso en Monte Alban by Ignacio Bernal; Una cuenta ritual entre los zapotecos del Sur by Pedro Carrasco; Tarahumaras, coras y huicholes by Roque J Ceballos Novelo; La ensenanza de la Antropologia y la utilizacion de antropologos en Hispanoamerica by Juan Comas; Un petroglifo mixteca en la Guayana Britanica by Barbro Dahlgren; Una interpretacion de los Danzantes de Monte Alban by Eusebio Davalos Hurtado; ?Es el Coca un idoma tara-cahita? by J Ignacio Davila Garibi; Contribucion al estudio del pegamento de las incrustaciones by Samuel Fastlicht; Some wider implications of Soul-Loss illness among the Sierra Poppoluca by George M Foster; Aculturacion espontanea by Manuel Gamio; La ceramica de fondo "sellado" de Zempola, Veracruz by Jose Garcia Payon; El calpulli de San Pablo Chalchihuitan by Calixta Guiteras Holmes; The Bottle Gourd and Old World Contacts by Isabel Kelly; Some key problems of New World Prehistory by Alfred V Kidder; El autor de la segunda parte de la Cronica Mexicayotl by Paul Kirchoff; Altmexicanischer Museclzierat mit einem Relief Aztekischen Stils by Walter Krickenberg; Sobre representaciones zoomorfas del antiguo Mexico by Manuel Maldanado Koerdell; Las reconstrucciones en arqueologia by Carlos R Margain; Tylor en Mexico by Pablo Martinez del Rio; On two Chinese figurines found in Mesoamerica by J Alden Mason; El Tlalocan pagano de Teotihuacan y el Tlalocan cristiano de Tonanzintla by Francisco de la Maza; Veinticinco anos de arqueologia en Mexico by Eduardo Noguera; Lineas de un perfil del doctor Alfonso Caso by Jose de J Nunez y Dominguez; El guiro de moyuba o joba by Fernando Ortiz; Monte Negro, centro de interes arqueologico by Javier Romero; Chichen-Tza y Palenque, ciudades fortificadas by Alberto Ruz; Maya astronomy and the electronic calculator by Herbert J Spinden; Una definicion de dos culturas distintas vistas en la Antropologia de la America Central by Doris Stone; Die Frage nach der Herkunft des Wassers auf dem Penol de Tetzotzinco by Franz Termer; Comments on radiocarbon dates from Mexico by Helmut de Terra; The Itza of Tayasal, Peten by J Eric S Thompson; Recuerdos de excursiones y viajes con Alfonso Caso by Manuel Toussaint; Mesoamerica y Peru by Luis E Valcarcel; Murales prehispanicos. Copia, restauracion y conservacion by Agustin Villagra Caleti; Los esclavos indios en Nueva Espana by Silvio Zavala; Notes on the social organization of Ojitlan, Oaxaca by Robert J Weitlaner.

Robert V. Kemper, born in San Diego, California, on November 21, 1945, resided in Dallas, Texas, where he was Professor of Anthropology at Southern Methodist University. He received his Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1971 from the University of California at Berkeley and spent the academic year 1971-1972 there as a National Endowment for the Humanities Post-Doctoral Fellow in Mexican American Studies before joining the SMU faculty. At SMU, he served as Chair of the Department of Anthropology, President of the Faculty Senate, and member of the University Board of Trustees. His research interests included migration and urbanization, history of anthropology, community development, tourism, Mexico, and the United States. His numerous publications include Anthropologists in Cities (1974), Migration and Adaptation: Tzintzuntzan Peasants in Mexico City (1977), Migration Across Frontiers: Mexico and the United States (1979), Chronicling Cultures: Long-Term Field Research in Anthropology (2002), and Urban Life (5th ed., 2010). He has served as President of the Society for Latin American Anthropology and the Society for Urban Anthropology, as well as editor of Human Organization, editor for Social-Cultural Anthropology of the American Anthropologist, and associate editor for Urban Anthropology.


Kemper's stamp to front wrapper, edge wear, an unread copy, else better than very good copy.


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